Superior Drummer 3 Hellow Keeper7KPT2 Preset
Omega Station
This preset tries to recreate the drum tones of Helloween "Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 2" album (1988).
Useful for Power Metal or 80s Metal songs.
SDX used:
- Fields of Rock SDX (kick, snare, high tom, rack toms, floor toms, splash, crash)
- Darkness SDX (hi-hat, crashes, ride, china, extra crashes)
- Rooms of Hansa SDX (extra china)
- Death SDX (extra china)
- Core Library (extra splash)
I also made 10 macro controls to further customize the sound:
- Kick transient attack
- Snare transient attack
- Rooms bus mix comp: compression mix on the room mics, turn it up to get a more compressed roomy sound
- Comp makeup gain: make up gain of compression on the output
- Snare reverb level: reverb bus volume on snare
- Snare phaser: phaser level effect on the snare. Keep it at zero if you don't want to use it
- Hi-hat phaser: phaser level effect on the hi-hat. Keep it at zero if you don't want to use it
- OH phaser: phaser level effect on the OH bus. Keep it at zero if you don't want to use it
- Extra crash phaser: phaser level effect on the extra crash (18" paiste). Keep it at zero if you don't want to use it
- Extra cymbals phaser: phaser level effect on the extra cymbals (extra chinas and extra splash). Keep it at zero if you don't want to use it
Superior Drummer 3 project file (.sd3p)
88.4 KB
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