Superior Drummer 3 Winter Into Darkness Preset
Omega Station
This preset tries to recreate the drum tones of Winter "Into Darkness" album (1990). Useful for Death Doom Metal, Doom Metal or Stenchcore songs.
SDX used:
- Death SDX (snare)
- Darkness SDX (splash)
- Area 33 SDX (everything else)
I also made 10 macro controls to further customize the sound:
- Snare transient attack
- Snare transient sustain
- Snare reverb level: snare bus send to reverb bus
- Toms punch: it affects the "punch" of toms
- Toms transient attack
- Toms transient sustain
- Toms reverb level: toms bus send to reverb bus
- Reverb bus level: reverb bus volume level
- Reverb bus tape drive: tape drive level on the reverb bus
- Comp makup gain: compression makeup gain on output
Superior Drummer 3 project file (.sd3p)
79.3 KB
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