
Superior Drummer 3 Area 33 SDX Metal Presets Pack #1

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Superior Drummer 3 Area 33 SDX Metal Presets Pack #1


4 Presets Pack useful for all styles of Metal (Death, Thrash, Heavy, Doom, Speed etc.).

Barbarian PresetDestroyer PresetNecromancer PresetObliterator Preset

You can get all these presets for 10 euros instead of 16 euros.

SDX Used:

  • Area 33 SDX

Each preset has 12 macro controls to further customize the sound:

  • Kick transient attack
  • Snare transient attack
  • Snare reverb level: reverb level on snare bus
  • Toms transient attack
  • Toms punch: turn it up to get a more "punchy" toms sound
  • Toms reverb level
  • Reverb bus level: rever bus volume level
  • Parallel compression: parallel compression bus (comp) volume level, turn it up to get a more compressed sound
  • Tape saturation: tape saturation drive on output
  • Output punch: turn it up to get a more "punchy" overall output sound
  • Processed: turn it up to get a more processed sound, it raises the busses send to parallel compression
  • Comp makeup gain: compression makeup gain on output

How to use these presets

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4 Superior Drummer 3 project files (.sd3p)

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