Superior Drummer 3 Uncle BloLust Preset
Omega Station
This preset tries to recreate the drum tones of Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats "Blood Lust" album (2011). Useful for Doom Metal, Hard Rock and Heavy Psych songs. It has a nice and warm vintage tone.
SDX used:
- Rooms of Hansa SDX
I also made 9 macro controls to further customize the sound:
- Snare transient attack
- OH tape drive: tape drive amount on OH bus
- OH transient attack
- Toms transient attack
- Room mics overdrive: overdrive switch on room mics
- Room mics valve drive: valve drive level on room mics
- Parallel compression mix level: parallel compression mix level on output
- Tape saturation drive: tape saturation drive level on output
- Lo-Fi EQ: EQ cut on high frequencies on output, turn it up to get a more vintage/Lo-Fi tone, turn it down to avoid it
Superior Drummer 3 project file (.sd3p)
62.8 KB
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